Saturday, 4 February 2017

Personal Learning Networks

As a teacher, a techie, or pretty much any job based around intellect, a Personal Learning Network (PLN) can be an invaluable resource. A PLN is any group of people who communicate and share ideas, tips, information, or solutions to problems, and thanks to social media it is easier than ever to find and join a variety of PLNs. They are a route to collaboration, support, and amazing opportunities.

I have relied on Personal Learning Networks heavily for my own professional development as well as my sanity. I regularly ask questions, get inspiration, and generally benefit in a multitude of ways from the different networks I engage with. The most difficult part is remembering to check each one regularly! Of course if you're less obsessive than myself, I would suggest you pick one or two to start with.

Some of my favourite PLNs include:
  • Discovery Educator Network Community - The Discovery Educator Network has a massive quantity of professional quality resources, an amazing community, and runs some impressive events. 
  • Common Sense Media Educators - With a focus on Digital Citizenship, the Common Sense Media Educator network and training helps educators drive online safety wherever they work.
  • Google Educator Groups - With a focus on using Google products in the classroom, the GEGs are another fantastic resource and essential for anyone signed up to G-Suite (Google Apps) for Education.
  • Computing at School - An active community of individuals enthusiastic about educating children in computing. Both online and offline, with regional hubs. Also responsible for Barefoot Computing a website dedicated to supporting anyone who teaches computing. 
  • Professional Learning Community - With a focus on teaching Computer Science
  • Facebook
    • Year 3/4 Teachers - Group for year 3 and 4 teachers to share ideas, ask questions and sort stresses. Let's support each other.
    • Year 5/6 Teachers UK -  This is a place for UK teachers in years 5 and 6 to share ideas, ask questions and support each other.
    • Primary Computing - Facebook group for Primary Computing
    • Primary Computing Coordinators - A place to discuss the Primary Computing Curriculum for coordinators. Discuss planning, Ofsted, schemes of work, policies, documents etc.
    • Twinkl KS2 Teacher/Educator Group - A group for support, ideas and inspiration for educational practitioners working with 7-11yr old students. 
    • Primary Teachers - Resources, Ideas, Stress relief! - "Basically, I was planning today and thought why not set up a group for all those primary teachers out there where we can share resources, good websites, ideas and general stories to relieve the almighty stress that is being a primary school teacher!!"
  • Twitter - Twitter is filled with people talking about teaching and tech, and it's a great way to keep on top of the latest news and developments as well as get in touch with lead educators.To get started google 'twitter teacher' for websites packed with ideas of who to follow. Teach Thought also has a useful post on education hashtags. Edudemic also has an in-depth guide to twitter for teachers.
  • Pinterest - filled with loads of inspirational ideas!
Do you know of any other especially good PLNs?

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